
Avoiding Landfill with End-of-Life PPE Recycling

Scotland / Donation / Environment

01 January 2024 - Ongoing

Recycling is essential for a sustainable future

Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioning Systems Europe (M-ACE in short) has entered into an agreement with our supplier of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), company name, "Scott Direct" to establish a waste stream specific for end-of-life PPE.

PPE is considered as general waste due to issues with intellectual property (Logos) steel reinforcing in shoes and specialist materials (foams and difficult to recycle fibres). Re-use and recycling waste streams should always be considered before disposing to general waste and ending up in landfill.

Thanks to our waste provider, company name, "Avena" working with our PPE supplier on this scheme we have avoided landfill of over 700kg of waste this year. This waste fabric material is re-purposed to be used as insulation fill and other recycled fabrics.

Avena is an established waste provider giving secure, reassured recycling route for material which would otherwise have been in a landfill. Avena are committed to ensuring that we send zero textiles / clothing material to landfill - instead recycling as much as we can here in the UK.

For more details about the Avena, please visit the website below.
(open new window)Secure Data Destruction Solutions - Avena