
Mitsubishi Electric Ireland's Sponsorship of the Industrial Control Competition for WorldSkills Ireland

Ireland / Education

22 September 2023

WorldSkills Ireland Award Ceremony

WorldSkills Ireland is a partnership between enterprise, industry, education, training and government that raises the profile and recognition of skills and apprenticeships and prepares the talent of today for the careers of the future.
This three-day event was held from the 20th – 22nd of September in the RDS Simmonscourt. The event is targeted at secondary school students, to expose them to key skill areas such as engineering, construction, logistics, heavy industry, ICT and visual arts. WorldSkills Ireland gave us a unique opportunity to connect and share insights about the exciting and diverse career pathways available within our industry with students.

WorldSkills Ireland Award Ceremony

During the event, there is a high number of exhibitions, competitions and an extensive education centre aimed at helping students decide on their future! The contests held promote various skills with Mitsubishi Electric Europe Irish Branch sponsoring the Industrial Control Competition.

The competition centred around installing, troubleshooting, and maintaining industrial automated and electrical production systems. As automation increases in importance in the industrial control of production systems, it was amazing to see such young vibrant people taking an interest in a rapidly developing industry like automation technology. Getting to witness the remarkable talent displayed by the future stars in our industry has been a source of immense excitement for us here at Irish Branch. Their exceptional skills have not only inspired us but also provided a glimpse into the limitless potential of emerging talent in our industry!

A busy 3 days that the RDS Simmonscourt for WorldSkills Ireland Award.

We were blown away by the skill level of the six finalists and after the competition, Adrian Gubbins, Factory Automation Sales Manager said “At Irish Branch, we highly value apprenticeships and skills-based careers and believe that they deliver a great deal for young people and businesses alike. For the evolution of the wider industry, it’s vitally important that we have a pool of talented, dedicated and highly qualified young people who can help to drive it forward – which is what makes events like WorldSkills Ireland 2023 so special.”

Students waiting for an engineering talk at WorldSkills Ireland.