Responding to the DANA Floods in Valencia
Spain / DE&I
From 29 October 2024

DANA Campaign Members
The recent floods caused by a Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos (DANA) have created a catastrophic situation in Valencia and nearby areas, with severe impacts on both lives and infrastructure. A DANA, a meteorological phenomenon involving isolated high-altitude depressions, often results in intense and localised heavy rainfall, which has led to devastating flooding in this case. Many people remain unaccounted for, as cars swept away by the torrents have yet to be reached. Collapsed bridges and dams have unleashed deadly currents, devastating villages and industrial zones south of Valencia. In this heavily affected region, we operate a regional office in a standalone building, along with six facilities housing our national logistics operations.
Many places of Valencia and the south have sustained significant damage, disrupting traffic and isolating several areas.
Our Technical Department and General Affairs team have been leading efforts to adapt our offices to the crisis. To support the recovery, Mitsubishi Electric Europe’s Spanish Branch initiated a donation campaign, ‘Dona tú también por la DANA,’ promoted through social media, email communications, and press releases in key media outlets.

Key Visual of the Campaign ‘Dona tú también por la DANA’
Over a two-day period, our communications focused exclusively on raising awareness for this initiative. Additionally, we continue to collaborate with the Red Cross, Caritas, and Acción contra el Hambre to provide aid to those in need.
On 8th November, the Management Committee held a lunch with employees from the Valencia area to offer condolences and show solidarity in person.

Lunch with Valencia Office Employees