
Sponsorship of 'Carrera Down Madrid' Race

Spain / DE&I

01 October 2023

Race Starting

Mitsubishi Electric Europe Spanish Branch sponsored the 'Carrera Down Madrid' held at the Juan Carlos I Park on 1st October, 2023. This race was held with the aim of promoting social inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities. There were 3 event courses (2.5km, 5km, 10km) with the races taking place for 3 hours from 10:00 to 13:00.

The eighth edition of the race, which has been supported by Mitsubishi Electric Europe for 5 consecutive years, was also a great success. Company employees also join the race and in total since the beginning of our sponsorship over 5,000 runners have participated in the race. (The race was changed to online during COVID-19 period) The race itself is organized by 'Down Madrid', the association which supports people with Down Syndrome and other intellectual disabilities, and supports social inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities.

Mitsubishi Electric Team

Mitsubishi Electric is aiming to achieve 'A Sustainable Society Full of Prosperity' by 2050, and diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) are essential elements for this society. Pedro Ruiz, the Spanish Branch President commented "These types of actions help people with intellectual disabilities to fully integrate, whilst helping people to understand their everyday reality".

For more details, please access the link below to the Carrera Down Madrid website.
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