
Donation of Air-conditioning’ to the earthquake-affected areas in Southern Türkiye

Turkey / Donation

11 April 2023

Air-con installed at the library

A series of devastating earthquakes hit 11 provinces located in Southern Türkiye in Feb 2023, causing serious damages and collapses of buildings during the main shock and aftershocks. Responding to the urgent needs of the affected regions, Mitsubishi Electric Group in Türkiye demonstrated profound generosity by donating 562 air-conditioners to the fabricated houses which were newly constructed after the earthquake in southern Türkiye. The objective was to enhance the living conditions and overall well-being of the affected people.

MACT group photo at the delivery date

Moreover, we extended our support through donations of essential supplies such as water, food, and other daily necessities, along with contributions of human blood. In the aftermath of the earthquake, prefabricated houses were established in various locations, encompassing mosques, schools, business establishments, and residential homes. Air conditioners, manufactured within Türkiye and recognized for their high-performance attributes, were strategically installed in these houses and communities to ensure optimal comfort quality of life for the people.

This time, we engaged in this corporate social responsibility project in collaboration with Türkiye's Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). Looking ahead, we are also considering maintenance and renewal activities in the upcoming years in order to emphasize our sustainable dedication to the recovery and resilience of the affected communities.

Air-con installed at the Mosque