
Special Olympics Sweden

Sweden / Sports

01 January 2023

SOG 2022_ME Team

Giving back – a cornerstone of our business.

Mitsubishi Electric Group companies around the world develop and participate in several philanthropic activities to give back and promote sustainable social development in society. Here in Sweden, we have chosen to become an official sponsor of Special Olympics activities.

There are approximately 100,000 people with an intellectual disability in Sweden, but only one in ten is active in a sports association. For people with intellectual disabilities, difficulties in finding meaningful leisure time can lead to loneliness, passivity and depression. Special Olympics wants to change that by giving more children and young people the opportunity to play sports and have meaningful free time.

ME Akihiro Kambara and SO Åsa Llinares Norlin

Mitsubishi Electric joined Special Olympics in Sweden in 2022. As a very proud official sponsor, we contribute to Special Olympics Sweden being able to continue the work of getting more people with intellectual disabilities moving. This collaboration gives more warmth and commitment than any previous sponsorship and we really feel that we are involved and making a difference.

We are glad to get to be part of giving children and young people with intellectual disabilities the chance for sports and exercise - and thus a healthier life. An incredibly important task for making it possible to achieve inclusive society.

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