Novità pubblicate sul sito Web locale
I comunicati contengono informazioni accurate al momento della pubblicazione, ma possono essere soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso.
sett. 7, 2016
Mitsubishi Electric in Italia è a fianco delle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto
mar. 4, 2016
"Changes for the better" as a guarantee for growth (in inglese) (PDF:310.4KB)
mar. 4, 2016
Mitsubishi Electric integrates own Factory Automation products to optimise building management processes (in inglese) (PDF:382.1KB)
mar. 4, 2016
Mitsubishi Electric’s new building awarded Platinum LEED certification (in inglese) (PDF:404.5KB)
mar. 4, 2016
Mitsubishi Electric officially opens new German Branch in Ratingen (in inglese) (PDF:338.7KB)
mar. 4, 2016
Mitsubishi Electric uses its own air conditioning and heating solutions in its new German Branch (in inglese) (PDF:345.9KB)
mar. 4, 2016
"The World of Mitsubishi Electric" offers prospects for growth (in inglese) (PDF:383.1KB)