Novità pubblicate sul sito Web locale
I comunicati contengono informazioni accurate al momento della pubblicazione, ma possono essere soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso.
ott. 17, 2022
Mitsubishi Electric’s Semiconductor European Business Group awarded by Siemens Mobility with Supplier Award “Moving Beyond” (in inglese) (PDF:131.3KB)
sett. 14, 2022
InnoTrans 2022: Mitsubishi Electric presents innovative one-stop shop mobility solutions for the future of rail transportation (in inglese) (PDF:745.0KB)
giu. 22, 2022
A compact robot for entry-level users (in inglese) (PDF:254.9KB)
magg. 10, 2022
Siemens Mobility and Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. sign MoU to push the use of high voltage SiC technology for increasing the energy efficiency of railway drive systems (in inglese) (PDF:91.6KB)
apr. 20, 2022
New Online Virtual Factory and Showroom Tours Provide Access to Best Practices in Manufacturing at Any Time, from Anywhere (in inglese) (PDF:405.2KB)
apr. 12, 2022
Mitsubishi Electric’s Leadership in Digital Transformation Wins SAP Award (in inglese) (PDF:260.4KB)
apr. 11, 2022
New servos put the AI in mAIntenance (in inglese) (PDF:317.8KB)
apr. 7, 2022
Mitsubishi Electric joins Gaia-X (in inglese) (PDF:301.9KB)
genn. 31, 2022
Artificial Intelligence solution is prizewinner at CO2 challenge set by Renault and Google (in inglese) (PDF:326.8KB)